
Showing posts from December, 2021

Praying with Understanding

Prayer, I believe is a conversation between us and God, either we are giving thanks, making requests or even asking questions. Yet it is not uncommon to feel like a prayer could be such a complicated and maybe even a delicate conversation to have, after all, it's God we are talking to here. There is no way that wouldn't be somehow daunting! I remember learning to pray as a child during family devotions and how nervous I'd get, mumbling through my words, hardly able to get anything coherent out. My auntie, bless her, would jump in the middle of one of my many long pauses to rescue me and carry on with the prayer but once we were done, my uncle would almost chide her for not giving me a chance to learn and develop my confidence. I didn't blame her; I found those long pauses very uncomfortable too! So, I usually understand when people tell me they do not know how to pray and would prefer others to pray for them or they'll just avoid it altogether and some even ask if ...

Call it - Unlearning

A beautiful, healthy and prosperous year 2022 to anyone reading this! I pray that you are reading this in a place of excellent health and a positive outlook to what 2022 holds. If nothing, hope for the best in every situation is something we need to learn to hold on to tightly. I am so thankful to God for getting through 2021, not just because it was nothing short of a lighter shade of 2020 but for the help and guidance through every single day! Like most people I do tend to pen down a few lines of my new year resolutions and try to follow through with most if not all. Top on my list is always a deeper love for God no matter what life throws at me and always knowing I can depend on a higher strength when I come to the end of mine. I have been considering what exactly I wanted for 2022 and I have been going over the past few years and the progress I've made professionally and personally and what more I wanted in the next 12 months? What I would love is to look for more way...