
Showing posts from January, 2022

Praying with Understanding

Prayer, I believe is a conversation between us and God, either we are giving thanks, making requests or even asking questions. Yet it is not uncommon to feel like a prayer could be such a complicated and maybe even a delicate conversation to have, after all, it's God we are talking to here. There is no way that wouldn't be somehow daunting! I remember learning to pray as a child during family devotions and how nervous I'd get, mumbling through my words, hardly able to get anything coherent out. My auntie, bless her, would jump in the middle of one of my many long pauses to rescue me and carry on with the prayer but once we were done, my uncle would almost chide her for not giving me a chance to learn and develop my confidence. I didn't blame her; I found those long pauses very uncomfortable too! So, I usually understand when people tell me they do not know how to pray and would prefer others to pray for them or they'll just avoid it altogether and some even ask if ...

Relationship or Religion?

I have always tried to explain when asked, that what I believe matters most to God is a relationship with Him and not being bound and entangled in religion. In a relationship, you seek to know more about the One you love and try - try to mould and build your relationship based on that knowledge. Even God according to the bible relates with us as He made us, never forgetting our weaknesses and never holding out on His love for us. for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. Psalms 103:14 NIV But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children— with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts. Psalms 103:17-18 NIV God our creator knows how He made us; what He made us from and though not asking for anything other than a life of love and service to one another, He'd love for His creation to acknowledge and love Him back rather than set up false man-made gods and wo...