
Showing posts from June, 2022

Praying with Understanding

Prayer, I believe is a conversation between us and God, either we are giving thanks, making requests or even asking questions. Yet it is not uncommon to feel like a prayer could be such a complicated and maybe even a delicate conversation to have, after all, it's God we are talking to here. There is no way that wouldn't be somehow daunting! I remember learning to pray as a child during family devotions and how nervous I'd get, mumbling through my words, hardly able to get anything coherent out. My auntie, bless her, would jump in the middle of one of my many long pauses to rescue me and carry on with the prayer but once we were done, my uncle would almost chide her for not giving me a chance to learn and develop my confidence. I didn't blame her; I found those long pauses very uncomfortable too! So, I usually understand when people tell me they do not know how to pray and would prefer others to pray for them or they'll just avoid it altogether and some even ask if ...

The Ultimate Holiness is Love

"The ultimate holiness is love". I heard someone say this and it hit me right in my spirit and I just had to drop it here to inspire someone. Love covers a multitude of sin and it is sin that make us unholy. I believe love is the antidote to sin so we must love one another to be able to present ourselves Holy to God. The God we serve is Holy, there is none as holy as He. In love, He made us in His image. In love, He forgives us. In love, He shows us His mercies. Because of His love for us, He sent His only Son, Jesus to die as an atonement for our sins. Jesus Christ loved us so much that He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us and continue to lead us in His truth when He ascended to heaven. He did that just so we may come to know the truth of how loved we all are.  We must never let go of that truth. We are so loved, and we must refuse to believe anything less or else. We are holy because we live in love, the same love that brought Christ to us. A lot may be going on...

Take Your Stand!

Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. Galatians 5:1 MSG I have never been actively involved in politics, especially Nigerian politics which I have always found disturbing, disappointing and downright disgusting, all at the same time. I follow the news, make sure I'm well informed and actively engage in discussions with others, even those that have opposing views to mine. I read up on people in government or those aspiring to be a part of it. I've seen some up close in the offices they occupied in the past and ultimately formed my own opinion on these matters. I believe it is important for us to lend our voices by actively engaging in choosing leaders we believe have values that match ours. It is a responsibility we must all carry as their voices will be our representation on a larger scale. Not everyone is born to be a leader. No, scrap that - everyone is, in my opinion. Everyone of us will...